Tips For Solo Female Travelers

Tips For Solo Female Travelers

Tips for Solo Female Travelers

When we asked women who travel alone what their top worries were, safety always came out at the top. This is understandable given that being alone can be intimidating; therefore, it is essential to prepare yourself in case something unexpected does occur.

Plan Ahead – Make copies of all important documents such as passports, travel insurance cards and bookings and store them separately from the originals in a secure place. Doing this can be advantageous in case they get stolen or need replacing; planning ahead could save time in both situations.

Take it Easy – When traveling, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Allow yourself enough time for adjustment and plan a few key activities in your itinerary but leave room for spontaneity as well.

Talking to Locals – Locals have so much knowledge about the city and can direct you in the right direction. They can even give restaurant recommendations and tell you which areas are safe to walk around alone or how to avoid being scammed.

Avoid Feeding Wildlife – Animals can pose a danger when traveling, as they may become aggressive and bite you. They may attempt to steal your food or group up and attack you. Be cautious when feeding wildlife when out and about.

Stay In Hostel Dorms – Booking a dorm room in a hostel is often recommended, as this will offer some privacy while sleeping, particularly if the dorm is exclusively female. Plus, booking through hostels is usually more economical than booking either a hotel or Airbnb!

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