Photography 101 – Capturing Stunning Landscapes and Moments Around the World

Photography 101 – Capturing Stunning Landscapes and Moments Around the World

If you want to make travel photography your career, ensure you dedicate enough time and energy towards developing a strong portfolio. Master the camera settings properly; learn different forms of photography; practice editing photos in an artistic manner – these will all contribute to creating stunning photographs!

Doing photography travel photography will become even more captivating and intriguing if you capture motion! Be it from bustling street markets or jumping kangaroos, capturing movement will add life and excitement to your images and give them that added pop of interest that sets them apart from others.

Panoramic Shots

Panorama images are composed from multiple photos taken along horizontal or vertical rows that have been stitched together into one image, usually to capture expansive landscapes or large waterfalls.

As you take panoramic photographs, it can be easy to forget that the foreground of your scene features both light and shadow. As you raise your camera or smartphone to capture this scene, you may notice stunning mountains and hills lit by sunlight but with dark areas in the foreground that could become overpowering in a poster-size photograph.

To avoid this issue, try composing your initial image full frame to the right or left of where you would like your panorama to begin. This will ensure that every part of the frame will be captured without parallax errors caused by movement of camera or lens; also consider shooting RAW format since this provides maximum flexibility when post-processing your images.


As a photographer, it’s crucial to find your own distinctive voice. While iconic shots may be great to share on social media, look for angles and perspectives of places that haven’t been photographed too often before.

Utilizing reflections in photography is an excellent way to make photos more dynamic and interesting, adding dimension and depth to compositions that otherwise wouldn’t exist. They often reveal hidden stories beyond that which is revealed from just looking at one subject alone.

Composing photographs that capture reflections requires special care in terms of composition. Most photographers abide by the rule of thirds when taking their images; however, when photographing reflections it may be beneficial to break this rule a bit – for instance by positioning your horizon line dead center and creating some nice symmetry within your photo. When shooting reflections be sure to pay close attention to lighting as direct sunlight may cause glare that washes out your images altogether.


Though photography offers stunning scenes, photographers can bring something extra to their landscape images by employing composition. By leaving negative space around a subject of a photograph (such as leaving empty space around it), more dynamic pictures are created – this can be seen in photographs ranging from Golden Gate Bridge shots taken on foggy days, to starfish photographed near beach-sand dunes.

Banciu defines leading lines as lines that begin from your main subject and seem to converge into the distance.” These can often be found in nature but you can make them your own by thinking outside the box; try creating them using curvier angles instead of straight ones that draw eyes towards your subject.

Landscape photography is an incredible way to document your travels and share them with the world. By following some basic tips, you can capture stunning scenes that will last forever – the pictures will serve as memories that last a lifetime!


Travel photography stands out from other genres by its tendency to capture stunning natural lighting. Finding the appropriate setting and angle will create photographs with greater impact, drama or depth than many other genres can.

Photographing under ideal lighting conditions helps you capture details and colors which might otherwise go unseen. Try taking shots either early morning or just before sunset when the soft, warm lighting makes for the best shots.

Travel photography teaches us to be patient and flexible. Sometimes you must wait hours in order to capture that perfect image; or adjust plans or itineraries based on weather changes and other variables – but being flexible helps make the most of your time and create more exciting travel photos!

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